Monday, September 3, 2012


This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Hackensack"

It was a sad day for Katheryn. Her husband was called in for war. She never wanted this day to come but knew it would happen one day..Kyle said to her before he left. "i'll be back.. He paused and whipped the tears from her face "I promise, i love you. He said then pulled her into a hug "I love you too.. Katheryn said to him. She hugged him tight, she never wanted to let go. She looked up at him. He gave her a heart necklace before leaving. It had a picture of them together in it. She watched him go down the dirt path, in his uniform. She whipped the tears from her eye's..He was the only one she had, she doesn't want to loose him. She took a deepbreath and he was gone, out of site. She closed her eye's and looked down...

After Kyle had left, when Katheryn turned to go inside there was a strange man behind her. She jumped when she saw this man, she'd never seen him in her life. "W-who are you?" She asked this was the last thing she'd want to get into at the moment. The man looked up and said backing away "You'll know in good dear in good time.. He laughed after he had said that. Katheryn quickly ran inside, not wanting to see that man again. When she got inside she locked the door behind her. She was alone where she was, she didn't have any neighbors or anything. There were no others for miles..where'd he come from. She was thinking about that for a while...She decided to go up stairs and rest a bit. Now Kyle is going to war for about 5 months, but gets the feeling about 2 weeks into the first month that something was wrong at home, That Katheryn was in trouble. He keeps a photo of her in his pocket at all times..When he gets the feeling her takes it out and lookes at it. After he had done that he Knew something is wrong..He went to his commander to tell him but he doesn't beleive him. Kyle needs to convince his Commander to let him go home just to cheak on her, then he'd be back.He has a partner in the war, he goes anywhere Kyle goes, which means he'd go back with him to cheak on her. If he gets accepted to fo back just to cheack up on Katheryn. He needs to find a way to convince his commander, but how?


dr seuss the temptations rush limbaugh sandra fluke green book some like it hot whale shark whale shark

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